Meet the team

Hugh McManus Managing Director

I have been with WRB for 4 years but have over 15 years’ experience in the Renewable Energy sector.

I strive to provide the best care before and after installation and will help with grant applications.

I will commit to site visits, phone calls – whatever is needed, to talk through the benefits of solar pv and what type of system will work best for your personal needs.

Climate change is a concern for us all and with rising costs, there has never been a bettertime to invest in your future.

Hugh McManus

Managing Director

Fraser Donaldson

Scotland Sales Manager

Jack O'Mahony

Solar PV Manager

Michelle Nelligan


Caitriona McManus

Office Manager

Ken Beckett

Renewables Director

Ronan Wilson

Solar PV Administrator & Designer

Dylan Bresland

Solar PV Administrator & Designer Trainee

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These panels are European made and come with a 30-year Performance Warranty. They are the latest half cell technology. Implementing half-cut cells in solar panels can help improve the power output of a solar panel system. Half-cut solar cells are exactly what their name suggests – they are traditional silicon solar cells that have been cut in half using a laser cutter.


Since the cells are physically smaller, they are more averse to cracking.

Lower resistive losses

A half-cut cell carries half the current and a quarter of the resistance of a full cell. So a complete half-cell module has the same current but half the resistance of a regular module. Resistance = wasted power, meaning a half cell solar panel can boost output by around 3%.

Shade resistance

A regular panel is made up of 3 rows of cells connected in series with bypass diodes. If one cell is shaded, a third of the panel’s output can be lost. But in a half-cut panel, there are 6 rows of cells. So, if one of the cells is shaded, only a sixth of the output is lost.

Less chance of hotspots

With a lower current in each cell, there’s less heat concentration.

Reduced installation area

 Roof space can be saved using half cell technology.