
Templepatrick House

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Location : Templepatrick
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I employed WRB to provide a PV Panel installation at my own house having done a professional job at my business premises (van Dijk Architects Ltd.). WRB were extremely responsive, did a very professional job, were easy to deal with and the system is working really well. I would highly recommend them for large and small projects alike.

Templepatrick House

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These panels are European made and come with a 30-year Performance Warranty. They are the latest half cell technology. Implementing half-cut cells in solar panels can help improve the power output of a solar panel system. Half-cut solar cells are exactly what their name suggests – they are traditional silicon solar cells that have been cut in half using a laser cutter.


Since the cells are physically smaller, they are more averse to cracking.

Lower resistive losses

A half-cut cell carries half the current and a quarter of the resistance of a full cell. So a complete half-cell module has the same current but half the resistance of a regular module. Resistance = wasted power, meaning a half cell solar panel can boost output by around 3%.

Shade resistance

A regular panel is made up of 3 rows of cells connected in series with bypass diodes. If one cell is shaded, a third of the panel’s output can be lost. But in a half-cut panel, there are 6 rows of cells. So, if one of the cells is shaded, only a sixth of the output is lost.

Less chance of hotspots

With a lower current in each cell, there’s less heat concentration.

Reduced installation area

 Roof space can be saved using half cell technology.